Volunteer - projects
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Our Statement of Values
The Rusty Wheelbarrow Pantry Farm (RWPF) enjoys the support of numerous volunteers to accomplish the goals of growing and distributing fresh produce to community pantries. Organizers and volunteers, by their presence, agree to the RWPF Statement of Values, and understand that a failure to abide by these values will not be tolerated and may result in immediate dismissal.
All RWPF organizers and volunteers must, at all times, treat one another with dignity, respect and compassion, in order to foster a trusting work environment free of harassment of any sort, intimidation, and unlawful discrimination. Together, we will always practice and advocate for policies and procedures that foster fair, consistent and equitable treatment for all.
DATE: Weekly.
TIME: We have shifts starting 10:00 am every Saturday 11 am during the winter hours, as we are slowly getting the project off the ground,
LOCATION: Behind St. Jacobus Church, at the intersection of 72nd St. and Woodside Av. (click on link for google map)
BRING: Gardening/Work gloves if you have them! (You can barrow ours if you don't)
DONATE: We need gardening tools, first aid kit, w, gloves, clippers, garbage bags, storage bins, shovels, pickaxes, wood, or saws. If you are getting rid of any of these, or know anyone that is, let us know by emailing us @ rustywheelbarrowfarmqueens@gmail.com ! Or you can Venmo us at @WSCompost and specify that you'd like it to be used for Rusty Wheelbarrow supplies.
For a list of future and past projects, scroll bellow.
Projects in the making
Winter Bed overhauling : refreshing the soil with a layer of fresh compost ; reshaping the beds and height ALMOST DONE !!!!
Building the hydroponic system
Building a harvest / wash / pack station
Signage to increase Rusty's visibility (for anyone who like to paint and colors!)
Making Visual Aids for Workshops
Build more Greenhouses to extent the growing season
Tree trimming (we need light, and a cherry picker lift)
Rain barrels to reduce our dependence to city water
Building/mounding a few more beds to increase our grow surface
Mulching the paths
Past Projects:
Spring/ Summer 2023
Compost weighing station
Draft of trellises (draft in hindsight, some collapse under the weight of the plants!)
2 more composting bins!
Seedlings station
Wood / lumber organizer
3 Bin System, plus the browns bin!
Most beds got overalled, seeds have been seeded, 7 greenhouses, 1 tool organizer
End of year 2021:
We 've mounded almost all the garden beds we planned (expected the last 2) ! produced over 500lbs of food during the season and build 4 greenhouses for extending the season though the winter and early spring!
Through the spring and the summer, we've build up beds on the first half of the land, started the build the hydroponic system, and buildt a lasagna composting garden!
We've also harvested over 200lbs of food!
04/27/ 2021
Second New York Restauration Project Soil delivery !!!
04/25-26/ 2021
More compost unloading, more bed building, more harvest (~15 lbs)
04/20-21/ 2021
giving more space to tomatoes seedlings under the greenhouse + harvesting ~20 lbs of fresh veggies
04/17/ 2021
Bed 1 and 2 planting and preparation of Bed 3, Building the mini greenhouse.
04/15/ 2021
First New York Restauration Project Soil delivery !!!
compost unloading - planting in our first bed! - preparing second bed!
Most Saturdays since Jan 30 2021 : quick cleanup, and unloading of compost from WSC
Saturday 30th Jan 2021 : General cleanup.
Friday / Saturday : 22/23 Jan 2021 : quick cleanup and staging area compost drop off and mulch drop off, then mulch/compost drop off.